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Модная мамочка (2004)

Raising Helen

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  • In this heartwarming comedy from director Garry Marshall ("Runaway Bride," "The Princess Diaries"), Helen Harris (Hudson) is living the life she always dreamed of. Her career at a top Manhattan modeling agency is on the rise; she spends her days at fashion shows and her nights at the city's hottest clubs. But her carefree lifestyle comes to a screeching halt when one phone call changes everything. Helen soon finds herself responsible for her sister's children -- 15-year-old Audrey (Panettiere), 10-year-old Henry (Spencer Breslin), and 5-year-old Sarah (Abigail Breslin). No one doubts that Helen is the coolest aunt in New York, but what does this glamour girl know about raising kids? The fun begins as Helen goes through the transformation from super hip to super mom, but she quickly finds that dancing at 3 a.m. doesn't mix with getting kids to school on time, advice that Helen's older sister, Jenny (Cusack), is only too quick to dish out. Along the way, Helen finds support in the most unusual place with Dan Parker (Corbett), the handsome young pastor and principal of the kids' new school, and realizes the choice she has to make is between the life she's always loved and the new loves of her life.

Дата выхода

  • США: 28 мая 2004 года


  • Гарри Маршалл


  • Кейт Хадсон, Джон Корбетт, Джоан Кьюсак, Felicity Huffman, Хелен Миррен, Эбигейл Бреслин, Спенсер Бреслин, Хайден Панеттьери, Гектор Элизондо, Пэрис Хилтон, Амбер Валлетта



  • Touchstone Pictures



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Новые выпуски подкастов

0Телеовощи – 549: Много финалов
0Ноль кадров в секунду
7Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 620: «Министерство неджентльменских дел», «Эбигейл», приквел «Властелина колец», убытки студии Disney
3ЕВА – 581: Сказочный японский школьник
0Телеовощи – 548: Модный приговор
1Ноль кадров в секунду – 526: Кнут и гильотина
0Лазер-шоу «Три дебила» – 619: «Годзилла: Минус один», «Судная ночь в Аркадии», месяц без пираток, бутылка Дуэйна Джонсона
3ЕВА – 580: Росиу был (не) прав
0Телеовощи – 547: Кринж для всех возрастов

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